Call for Nominations
From Kim Johnson:

Greetings Homeowners of Greenwood Glen:
On behalf of the Greenwood Glen Homeowners Association (GGHOA), I am pleased to provide minutes from the September 19, 2023 association meeting. That meeting, attended by close to 41% of Greenwood Glen homeowners, elevated several critical matters needing immediate attention. First and foremost is the need to establish a viable association Board of Directors.

- Homeowner associations (HOA), such as ours, operate as a corporate business: The association's Board of Directors is charged with running the business, and the association members – YOU – are the business investors responsible for maximizing the return on investment…your home.
- Greenwood Glen Homeowners Association is currently operating without a viable board of directors.

We need you to volunteer your time and talents to the operation of our community!

- Have a hand in establishing or clarifying the rules that govern our association
Become directly involved in the decision-making and oversight of Association finances
- Engage in establishing programs and policies that best fit the needs of our GG community
- The Board of Directors holds periodic meetings throughout the year, address home-owners concerns, financial updates, emergencies that may arise and committee initiatives.

This is a call to solicit nominations for four (4) openings on the GGHOA Board of Directors: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
If you are an interested person in good standing and wish to be nominated, please complete the enclosed Statement of Interest and return it to

Now is the time to make your voice heard and have input in the operation of your association!

HOA Board - Statement of Interest Form